The Night Is the Light

The Kin of Aries

Spirit of Darkness, Lord of Light

Instant recap, Chapter 1: Beyond the cosmos and its endless repetitions there is the timeless unchanging Absolute, represented by a divine eye watching the eternal conflict between the dualities that comprise the created universe.

Chapter 2, by Ella: The works of Julius Evola & Miguel Serrano provide a left-hand path for Aryans, teaching us to never surrender to God, who is actually an evil entity. Instead we must conquer him with the aid of Lucifer, who is not the Devil but our spiritual liberator. We say NO to the whole of creation and will transcend it by entering the Great Night, which is the true reality.

3. The Night Is the Light

We opened our spiel with an image of an eye in the center of creation, representing the ultimate reality, called the Absolute in Western philosophy. Ella called it “the Unknowable…

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